Lab Environment 研究環境
人因互動與科技應用研究室主要以A/VR等相關科技為基礎,開展不同的專案執行作為主要的研究和設計發展方向。研究室配備了高階的A/VR專用繪圖開發主機、頭戴顯示裝置、AR眼鏡、高階顯像銀幕以及相關的軟硬體開發設備。根據研究發展方向的需要,相應地安排進行場域實驗研究,這包括TXI Partners AVR中心、職業訓練中心、職能治療單位,或相關的醫療技術機構。研究室的範疇也延伸至職能教育訓練,結合台北科技大學工業設計系現有的木工教學資源和木工廠軟硬體環境設備。借助台北科技大學在職業訓練和技職教育方面的卓越優勢,我們致力於發展應用科技技術於木工職業教育的技能訓練和人才培養等相關研究議題。研究方面依循人因互動與科技應用研究室的宗旨,規劃和發展了(1) 職業訓練、(2) 兒童科技教育和 (3) 醫療設計等相關領域的研究方向。此外,研究室引入了VR洞穴式系統(VR CAVE Systems),結合即時體感互動裝置和教學實作空間,使教學場域成為一個具有特色的實驗場域和發展方向。
The Ergonomic Design & Technology Lab primarily focuses on the development of various projects using technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) as its main research and design directions. The lab is equipped with high-end A/VR dedicated graphic development workstations, head-mounted display devices, AR glasses, advanced imaging screens, and related hardware and software development equipment. According to its research and development directions, projects are assigned to venues such as the TXI Partners AVR Center, vocational training centers, occupational therapy units, or relevant medical technology units for field experiment research. The research scope of this lab also extends into the realm of vocational education and training. By combining Taipei Tech's existing woodworking teaching resources with the hardware/software environment of the woodworking factory, the lab leverages Taipei Tech's excellence in vocational training and technical education to develop research topics related to applying technological advancements in skill training and talent development within the field of woodworking vocational education. Following the mission of the Human Interaction and Technology Applications Research Lab, research planning and development are organized around (1) vocational training, (2) children's technology education, and (3) medical design. Additionally, the lab has introduced VR Cave Systems, complemented by real-time sensory interaction devices and instructional practical spaces, turning the teaching environment into a distinctive experimental field and development direction.