Research direction
The Ergonomic Design & Technology Lab mainly studies two directions: medical design (including children's science and technology education and elderly rehabilitation) and vocational training (furniture woodworking and related functional training). The research applies technological applications (AR/VR/MR and related technologies) from the perspective of human factors interaction, which means to provide more innovative products and service interface designs, hoping to solve problems of distinct human factors and to conduct and implement practical research of creating interactive products, systems, service designs, and use interface requirements.
Research and Development
人因互動與科技應用研究室亦積極連結校內外跨領域專業連結,拓展人因互動科技與職業教育訓練應用等相關研究議題,並透過研究室設計研發團隊共同進行AVR等相關科技應用與研究執行,並透過業界技術的搭配,共同開發相關的互動平台建構,以進行系統開發及測試相關研究內容執行,此外亦連結鄰近產業資源,透過與台北市AVR產業發展工會及TXI Partners (弈恩智匯) AVR中心的合作,引入VR洞穴式系統(VR CAVE Systems),與協助產業輔導學生實習及專案執行,藉此達到跨領域研究能量,以獲得更多創新的研究契機
The Ergonomic Design & Technology Lab also actively integrates cross-disciplinary professional resources inside and outside the school, expanding relevant applied research topics of human factor interaction technology and vocational education and training. The research team conducts application and implement of AR/VR/MR and combines industry technology, thus to jointly develop related interactive platform constructions for system development and test related research content. Additionally, connecting neighboring industries resources, cooperating with Taipei City AVR Industry Development Union and TXI Partners AVR Center, introducing VR CAVE Systems, and assisting industry tutoring students internship to implement research project, thus to research energy in cross-field and obtain more innovative research opportunities.