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I-Jui Lee    

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Telephone: +886-2-2771-2171 Ext. 2811 


A. Publications (International Journal Papers)

  • Lee, I. J., & Hsu, H. T. (2023). Applied the augmented reality technology combined with social stories strategies and computational thinking games to improve the social skills of children with ASD. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-29. (SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*. Applying virtual reality for learning woodworking in the vocational training of batch wood furniture production. (2023). Interactive Learning Environments, 1-19. (SSCI) 

  • Tsai, W. T., Lee, I. J*., & Chen, C. H. (2021). Inclusion of third‑person perspective in CAVE‑like immersive 3D virtual reality role‑playing games for social reciprocity training of children with an autism spectrum disorder. Universal Access in the Information Society, 20, 375-389. (SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*. (2021). Kinect-for-Windows with Augmented Reality in an Interactive Roleplay System for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(4), 688-704. (SSCI)

  • Shao, D*., & Lee, I. J*. (2020). Acceptance and Influencing Factors of Social Virtual Reality in the Urban Elderly. Sustainability, 12(22), 9345. (SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*. (2019). Augmented Reality Coloring Book: An Interactive Strategy for Teaching Children with Autism to Focus on Specific Nonverbal Social Cues to Promote Their Social Skills. Interaction Studies, 20(2), 256–274.(SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*. (2019). Using augmented reality to train students to visualize three-dimensional drawings of mortise–tenon joints in furniture carpentry. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-15.(SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., Wang, C. P., & Chung, C. H. (2018). Augmented Reality Plus Concept Map Technique to Teach Children with ASD to Use Social Cues When Meeting and Greeting. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(3), 227-243.(SSCI)

  • Hoe, Z. Y., Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., & Chang, K. P., (2017). Using an augmented reality-based training system to promote spatial visualization ability for the elderly. Universal Access in the Information Society, 1-16.(SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H., Su, C, C., (2017). App based souvenirs and entry tickets: A new means of enhancing post visit memories: A case study from Taiwan. Tourism Management Perspectives, 24, 177-185. (SSCI)

  • Chen, C. H*., Lee, I. J**., & Lin, L. Y., (2016), Augmented reality-based video-modeling storybook of nonverbal facial cues for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve their perceptions and judgments of facial expressions and emotions. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 477-485.(SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H**., & Chang, K. P., (2016), Augmented reality technology combined with three-dimensional holography to train the mental rotation ability of older adults. Computers in Human Behavior. 65, 488-500.(SSCI)

  • Lee, I. J*., Chen, C. H**., & Lin, L. Y. (2016). Applied Cliplets-based half-dynamic videos as intervention learning materials to attract the attention of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder to improve their perceptions and judgments of the facial expressions and emotions of others. SpringerPlus, 5(1), 1211.(SCI)

  • Chen, C. H., Wang, C.P*., Lee, I. J., & Su, C, C., (2016), Speech-Generating Devices: Effectiveness of Interface Design. A Comparative Case Study of Autism Spectrum Disorders. SpringerPlus 5:1682.(SCI)

  • Chen, C. H*., Lee, I. J., & Lin, L. Y., (2015), Augmented reality-based self-facial modeling to promote the emotional expression and social skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 396-403.(SSCI)

B. Publications (International Conference Papers)

  • Hung, H. W., & Lee, I. J. (2021, July). Preliminary Study on the Multi-person Cooperative Training Module in the Application of Virtual Reality Technology to the Advanced Cardiac Life Support. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 155-162). Springer, Cham.

  • Liang, T., & Lee, I. J. (2021, July). Mu-musicplay: How the Interactive Use of Games and Music Influence the Capacity of Autistic Children to Recognize Emotions in Videos and Music. In International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (pp. 353-361). Springer, Cham.

  • Shao, D*., & Lee, I. J. (2020, July). The preliminary study on the willingness of middle-aged women of Taiwan metropolis to use social VR and their potential influencing factors in the future. 2020 The 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, Kyoto, Japan.

  • Lin, Y. T., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Development of an Augmented Reality System Achieving in CNC Machine Operation Simulations in Furniture Trial Teaching Course. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 121-135). Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Hsu, H. T., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Using Augmented Reality Technology with Serial Learning Framework to Develop a Serial Social Story Situation Board Game System for Children with Autism to Improve Social Situation Understanding and Social Reciprocity Skills. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 3-18). Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Huang, Y. C., & Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Using Augmented Reality and Concept Mapping to Improve Ability to Master Social Relationships and Social Reciprocity for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 19-37). Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Lee, I. J*. (2020, July). Applying the Game Mode and Teaching Strategies of Computational Thinking to the Improvement of Social Skills Training for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 38-47). Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Huang, Y. C., & Lee, I. J*. (2019, July). A Study on the Development of a Mixed Reality System Applied to the Practice of Socially Interactive Behaviors of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 283-296). Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • Lee, I. J* (2018) Using Stop-Motion Video as Visual Indicator to Strength Children with ASD's attention Focus on specific Nonverbal Social Cues to enhance Perception Judgments and Situational Awareness., 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, Tokyo, Japan.

  • Wang, C.P., Chen, C. H, Lee, I. J*., (2017), The Effect of Using Video-Based Advertising and Stop-Motion Video to Evaluate Auto Emotional Menu in Recognition Tasks and Communication. In Transdisciplinary Engineering: a Paradigm Shift: Proceedings of the 24th ISPE Inc. International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, July 10-14, Singapore (Vol. 5, p. 410). 

  • Chen, C. H, Lee, I. J*., (2015), A Using Stop-Motion Video with Advertising to Promote Perceptions Judgment of Others and Situational Awareness in Adolescents with ASD. The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology., October 21-25, Kobe, Japan.

  • Chen, C. H., Hung, H. M., Lee, I. J*., Chen, Y. W., & Wu, F. G. (2011, July). Observe the user interactive behavior with a large multi-touch display in public space. In International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 141-144). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  • Chen, C. H., Lee, I. J*., & Wu, F. G. (2009), Research on Development of Awareness System for Remote Home-living., International Association of Societies of Design Research, pp. 4585-4593, Seoul, Korea., Oral Presenter

  • Chen, C. H., Hsu, M. F., Lee, I. J*., Sun, K. W., Lin, Y. C., & Lee, W. H. (2009, October). Applying augmented reality to visualize the history of traditional architecture in Taiwan. In 22nd CIPA Symposium. 22nd CIPA Symposium, Digital Documentation, Interpretation & Presentation of Cultural Heritage, 11-15, Kyoto, Japan.

C. Publications (Foreign-language Books/International Book Chapters)

  • Lee, I. J*. (2020). How to use the Advantages of AR and VR Technique to Integrate Special Visual Training Strategies in Non-Verbal Communication Skills Training for Children with Autism. In Types of Nonverbal Communication. IntechOpen.

  • Lee, I. J* (2020). Applying VR technology to the traditional furniture and woodworking making courses. Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan). 

  • Lee, I. J* (2019). Using Augmented Reality Technology to Construct a Wood Furniture Sampling Platform for Designers and Sample Makers to Narrow the Gap between Judgment and Prototype. In Mixed Reality. IntechOpen. 

  • Lee, I. J*., Lin, L. Y., Chen, C. H., & Chung, C. H. (2018). How to Create Suitable Augmented Reality Application to Teach Social Skills for Children with ASD. State of the Art Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Knowhow, 119. 

  • Lee, I. J* (2015). Augmented Reality Technology for Promoting the Emotional Expression and Social Skills of Adolescents with Autism, the Doctoral Dissertation of National Chen Kung University.

D. Patents

  • Invention Patent: Device and Method for Enhancing Social Training for Children with Autism

  • Invention Patent: Augmented Reality-Based Clear and Erasable Trajectory Localization System and Method

  • Invention Patent: Asymmetric VR Remote Medical Collaborative Guidance System

  • Invention Patent: Structure and Method for Interactive Playground Equipment for Blind Children

  • Invention Patent: Method and System for Augmented Reality Matching of Real-world Objects

  • Invention Patent: Pen-type Measuring Scale

  • Utility Model Patent: Walking Assistance Device

  • Utility Model Patent: Educational Device for Virtual Reality

E. Competition Awards (Academic Awards)

  • In 2015, the Ministry of Science and Technology rewarded doctoral candidates in the field of humanities and social sciences for writing doctoral thesis winners.

  • 2014 Smile Sticker (German iF Design Award Finalist 270 / Total Participation 11,847)

  • 2013 Is Fresh? (German iF Design Award Finalist 300 / Total Participation 12,000)

  • 2011 Pen Ruler (German iF Design Award 2nd in the world / total participation 8,007)

  • 2011 Taiwan Design Annual Conference National Campus Design Promotion Competition 3rd place

  • 2011 Ministry of Education encourages students to participate in international design competitions

  • In 2008, the Ministry of Economic Affairs held a light metal creative design competition.

  • 2008 Wanghong Golden Jubilee Award Silver Award

  • 2008 Digital Image Display Technology-Technology Innovation and Service Application Competition of the Ministry of Education Ranked 3rd in the country

  • 2008 Digital Image Display Technology-Technology Innovation and Service Application Competition

  • 2007 Digital Image Display Technology-Technology Innovation and Service Application Competition

  • 2007 National Smart Home Robot Creative Design Competition

  • In 2007, CLock was shortlisted for the national competition "The 7th Longteng Smile Competition"

F. Other Academic Experiences

  • 擔任「第五屆人機互動研討會」,Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2019 (TAICHI 2019) 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee)

  • 擔任「第四屆人機互動研討會」,Taiwan Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2018 (TAICHI 2018) 之議程審稿委員(Program Committee)

  • 擔任2018 3rd International Conference on Design, Materials and Manufacturing Technical Committee (議程審稿委員)

  • 擔任2018 10th International Conference On Education Technology And Computers Technical Committee (議程審稿委員)

  • 參與國際電腦科學與資訊科技學術組織會員 Senior member of the International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT).

  • 2017- 國際SSCI 人機互動與行為科學類期刊審稿委員
    – The Reviewer with Interaction Studies 

  • 2016- 國際SSCI醫學復健與自閉症相關教育類期刊審稿委員
    – The Journal of Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI) 

  • 2016- 國際SSCI電腦、心理學、醫學、人機互動,科技應用類期刊審稿委員
    – The Journal of Computers in Human Behavior –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI)

  • 2016- 國際SSCI醫學復健與科技教育類期刊審稿委員
    – The Journal of Research in Developmental Disabilities –Journal - Elsevier (SSCI) 

  • 2015- 國際SSCI孩童、青少年教育類期刊審稿委員
    – Reviewer with Child and Youth Care Forum –Journal - Springer (SSCI)

  • 2015- 國際科學應用與科技教育類相關期刊審稿委員
    – Reviewer with International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 

  • 2015- 國際自閉症與失能醫療復健類期刊審稿委員
    –Reviewer with Austin Journal of Autism & Related Disabilities .

Ergonomic Design & Technology Lab., Department of Industrial Design, National Taipei University of Technology

Tel: +886-2-2771-2171 Ext. 2811  | Email :

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