Vocational Training Technology 兒童科技教育議題
人因互動與科技應用研究室以兒童科技教育(Technology Education for Kids)和特殊教育(Special Education)等相關研究領域作為研究主題。研究的範疇包括如何觀察和評估兒童使用的互動產品、系統、以及軟體介面的應用程序。這包括開發兒童玩具、遊具、教具、遊戲以及在互動設計上的專用設備的評估方法。在兒童科技教育領域,研究包括互動設計和可用性工程(UE)等更專業的知識領域。研究還涉及兒童發展和兒童心理學的基本背景,特別是與行為改變技術和實驗評估相關的理論基礎。這有助於研究者針對孩童進行互動設計研究和評估觀察。
The Ergonomic Design & Technology Lab focuses on research topics related to Technology Education for Kids and Special Education. The research covers aspects such as observing and evaluating interactive products, systems, and software interface applications used by children. This encompasses the development and assessment methods for interactive designs of children's toys, playground equipment, teaching aids, games, and specialized devices. In the field of Technology Education for Kids, the research involves a wealth of knowledge in more specialized areas, including interactive design and usability engineering (UE). The study also delves into the fundamental background of child development and child psychology, particularly the theoretical foundations related to behavior change techniques and experimental evaluation. This aids researchers in conducting interactive design studies and observational assessments specifically tailored for children.